Flaunt Your Destination

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What is this?


Traveling imprints memories and experiences that enriches our life, yet so little of past events are remembered. We always explore new places and meet new people, yet our mind is so small these moments slips away so easily without us realizing it. As a reaction to this awareness, I feel an impending need to be much more laborious in preserving my valuable moments. To begin this long process, I want to start with an area I can also share with other: my travel experiences.

About the Site

Flaunt Your Destination is the realization of this idea. The concept is to use this website as a platform where I can share the wonderful places I’ve visited. Yet instead of making a personal diary, I want to treat the site as a collage of images. By utilizing the photographs I took from those places, I introduce the destinations on photo-driven pages. Stylized digitally, the photographs brings the unique character to the site. They are not meant to be realistic documentations but subjective distillation of visual experiences captured through my camera lens. The resulting imageries are timeless, yet fresh and stimulating. They are visually rich, inviting viewers to indulge in visual immersion similar to looking at classical paintings.


But there is more. I do not want this site to end up as a mere photography showcase, because pictures alone do not satisfy our need for knowledge, and we all can benefit from good knowledge. To make it more accessible and useful to visitors, I added some contents that explains what is it that you are looking at. As you go into deeper pages, you will find out that each destinations contain short description and practical information that can help you find the place.


I think it is such a wonder to live in this time where I can savor my travel experiences in a creative effort that can be shared with people all over the world. For fellow travelers, I hope that my site will inspire you to better preserve your travel memories. For non-travelers, I hope the inspiration will invite you to do more traveling and appreciate what our planet can offer. It does not have to be Mount Everest or Macchu Picchu, some of the nearest destinations around your hometown may just blow you away.
In the end, I hope that my effort will benefit everyone, including the visitors, the travel business and myself. Please note that all photographs are copyrighted to Biei Photography.


Biei Photography