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Welcome to the Social Dance Club at the University of Houston. Expanding the joy and fun of partnership dancing to the UH community while encouraging friendship and camaraderie between the members of the club constitutes the objective of our club. Standard, Latin, Smooth and Rhythm dances make up our main focus at this juncture. Our goal is to provide quality instruction and dancing opportunities to our members at affordable costs. There is nothing better than looking good while dancing. That is how we want you to be.


We have regular class meetings during spring, summer and fall semesters on every Sunday afternoon. Each meeting session includes three to five hours of dance instruction from which two hours are allotted to beginner level, one hour to intermediate level and two hours to advanced level. Although we emphasize on quality instruction, all of our classes are very informal and we encourage members to ask questions during the class. The club instructors are qualified to teach at the assigned levels. The teaching core consists of advanced dancers, highly qualified amateurs and professionals.


Apart from the regular Sunday dance lessons, we have a social calendar that plans the social dancing we can host and specifies on a regular basis, the evening dances hosted by the major dance studios in Houston area. These are aimed at giving members not only a taste of the ballroom ambiance but also a certain degree of exposure to renowned ballroom dancers in Houston . Each of these events will involve an hour of instruction with a professional teacher followed by three hours of social dancing. We also organize carpools for regular group outings to night-clubs and dances hosted by local studios. These outings will expose you to a variety of dances and dancers around Houston - you will meet and socialize with dancers from other universities, dance studios and the ballroom community at large.

: Daniel Zhang

: Chenie Huang
Send us a quick message at uhdance@uh.edu
Last Updated Saturday, August 20, 2005 0:35 AM